Andy Warhol Factory - 34th & Madison, NY
Andy Warhol Factory - 34th & Madison, NY

 Queen Beatrix, Queen Elizabeth, Queen Magrethe ll

Andy Warhol Factory - 34th & Madison, NY
Andy Warhol Factory - 34th & Madison, NY

Andy Warhol self portrait, Madison Ave. lobby

Andy Warhol
Andy Warhol

Factory basement

34th & Madison

New York, NY


Andy Warhol
Andy Warhol

Factory basement

34th & Madison

New York, NY

Andy Warhol Factory - 34th & Madison, NY
Andy Warhol Factory - 34th & Madison, NY
Andy Warhol Factory
Andy Warhol Factory

34th st. entrance

New York, NY

Andy Warhol Factory- 34th & Madison, NY
Andy Warhol Factory- 34th & Madison, NY

Fred Hughes office

with Elizabeth Taylor

Vincent Fremont
Vincent Fremont

Andy Warhol Factory

34th & Madison

New York, NY

Andy Warhol Factory  - 34th & Madison, NY
Andy Warhol Factory - 34th & Madison, NY

waiting area outside Vincent Fremont's office

Andy Warhol Factory
Andy Warhol Factory

34th & Madison

New York, NY

Andy Warhol Factory
Andy Warhol Factory

early boardroom

34th & Madison

New York, NY

Andy Warhol Factory - 34th & Madison, NY
Andy Warhol Factory - 34th & Madison, NY

Andy Warhol's studio

Andy Warhol Factory - 34th & Madison, NY
Andy Warhol Factory - 34th & Madison, NY

roof plan

Andy Warhol Factory
Andy Warhol Factory

Interview magazine entrance

33rd & Madison

New York, NY

Andy Warhol Factory - 34th & Madison. NY
Andy Warhol Factory - 34th & Madison. NY

34th st. lobby

with Ingrid Bergman series

Andy Warhol Factory - 34th & Madison, NY
Andy Warhol Factory - 34th & Madison, NY

34th Street Lobby with Keith Haring elephant

Interview Office
Interview Office

Andy Warhol Factory

33rd Street and Madison Ave

New York, NY

Andy Warhol Factory - 34th & Madison, NY
Andy Warhol Factory - 34th & Madison, NY

Interview Magazine office


Andy Warhol Factory - 34th & Madison, NY
Andy Warhol Factory - 34th & Madison, NY

Interview Magazine office

Andy Warhol Factory -  34th & Madison, NY
Andy Warhol Factory - 34th & Madison, NY

lunch Andy Warhol, Keith Haring, Boy George, Bianca Jagger,

Quentin Crisp, Boy Marilyn, Rupert Evertt

Andy Warhol Factory -  34th & Madison,  NY
Andy Warhol Factory - 34th & Madison, NY

Brigid Berlin

Andy Warhol Factory -  34th & Madison, NY
Andy Warhol Factory - 34th & Madison, NY
Andy Warhol Factory
Andy Warhol Factory


34th & Madison

New York, NY

Basquiat with Last Supper Warhol Studio
Basquiat with Last Supper Warhol Studio

Andy Warhol Factory

34th & Madison

New York, NY

Andy Warhol Factory
Andy Warhol Factory

lunch outside Fred Hughes office

34th & Madison

New York, NY

Fred Hughes
Fred Hughes

Fred's office

Andy Warhol Factory

34th & Madison

New York, NY

Andy Warhol Factory - 34th & Madison, NY
Andy Warhol Factory - 34th & Madison, NY

elevator and entry to Fred Hughes office

Fred Hughes office
Fred Hughes office

Andy Warhol Factory

34th & Madison

New York, NY

Self Portrait
Self Portrait

Andy Warhol Factory

34th & Madison. NY

Andy Warhol Factory - 34th & Madison, NY
Andy Warhol Factory - 34th & Madison, NY

Andy Warhol , Keith Haring, Bianca Jagger taping for MTV

Andy Warhol's Fifteen Minutes


Andy Warhol Factory -  34th & Madison, NY
Andy Warhol Factory - 34th & Madison, NY

Andy Warhol with assistants assembling self portrait canvas

Andy Warhol Factory
Andy Warhol Factory

Madison Ave. Lobby

34th & Madison

New York, NY



Andy Warhol's Townhouse East 66th St.
Andy Warhol's Townhouse East 66th St.

New York, NY

Andy Warhol Townhouse East 66th. St. NY
Andy Warhol Townhouse East 66th. St. NY

Andy Warhol's bedroom

Andy Warhol wig
Andy Warhol wig

Andy Warhol Townhouse East 66th St.

New York, NY

Andy Warhol Factory - 34th & Madison, NY
Andy Warhol Factory - 34th & Madison, NY
Andy Warhol
Andy Warhol
Andy Warhol Factory - 34th & Madison, NY
Andy Warhol Factory
Andy Warhol Factory- 34th & Madison, NY
Vincent Fremont
Andy Warhol Factory  - 34th & Madison, NY
Andy Warhol Factory
Andy Warhol Factory
Andy Warhol Factory - 34th & Madison, NY
Andy Warhol Factory - 34th & Madison, NY
Andy Warhol Factory
Andy Warhol Factory - 34th & Madison. NY
Andy Warhol Factory - 34th & Madison, NY
Interview Office
Andy Warhol Factory - 34th & Madison, NY
Andy Warhol Factory - 34th & Madison, NY
Andy Warhol Factory -  34th & Madison, NY
Andy Warhol Factory -  34th & Madison,  NY
Andy Warhol Factory -  34th & Madison, NY
Andy Warhol Factory
Basquiat with Last Supper Warhol Studio
Andy Warhol Factory
Fred Hughes
Andy Warhol Factory - 34th & Madison, NY
Fred Hughes office
Self Portrait
Andy Warhol Factory - 34th & Madison, NY
Andy Warhol Factory -  34th & Madison, NY
Andy Warhol Factory
Andy Warhol's Townhouse East 66th St.
Andy Warhol Townhouse East 66th. St. NY
Andy Warhol wig
Andy Warhol Factory - 34th & Madison, NY

 Queen Beatrix, Queen Elizabeth, Queen Magrethe ll

Andy Warhol Factory - 34th & Madison, NY

Andy Warhol self portrait, Madison Ave. lobby

Andy Warhol

Factory basement

34th & Madison

New York, NY


Andy Warhol

Factory basement

34th & Madison

New York, NY

Andy Warhol Factory - 34th & Madison, NY
Andy Warhol Factory

34th st. entrance

New York, NY

Andy Warhol Factory- 34th & Madison, NY

Fred Hughes office

with Elizabeth Taylor

Vincent Fremont

Andy Warhol Factory

34th & Madison

New York, NY

Andy Warhol Factory - 34th & Madison, NY

waiting area outside Vincent Fremont's office

Andy Warhol Factory

34th & Madison

New York, NY

Andy Warhol Factory

early boardroom

34th & Madison

New York, NY

Andy Warhol Factory - 34th & Madison, NY

Andy Warhol's studio

Andy Warhol Factory - 34th & Madison, NY

roof plan

Andy Warhol Factory

Interview magazine entrance

33rd & Madison

New York, NY

Andy Warhol Factory - 34th & Madison. NY

34th st. lobby

with Ingrid Bergman series

Andy Warhol Factory - 34th & Madison, NY

34th Street Lobby with Keith Haring elephant

Interview Office

Andy Warhol Factory

33rd Street and Madison Ave

New York, NY

Andy Warhol Factory - 34th & Madison, NY

Interview Magazine office


Andy Warhol Factory - 34th & Madison, NY

Interview Magazine office

Andy Warhol Factory - 34th & Madison, NY

lunch Andy Warhol, Keith Haring, Boy George, Bianca Jagger,

Quentin Crisp, Boy Marilyn, Rupert Evertt

Andy Warhol Factory - 34th & Madison, NY

Brigid Berlin

Andy Warhol Factory - 34th & Madison, NY
Andy Warhol Factory


34th & Madison

New York, NY

Basquiat with Last Supper Warhol Studio

Andy Warhol Factory

34th & Madison

New York, NY

Andy Warhol Factory

lunch outside Fred Hughes office

34th & Madison

New York, NY

Fred Hughes

Fred's office

Andy Warhol Factory

34th & Madison

New York, NY

Andy Warhol Factory - 34th & Madison, NY

elevator and entry to Fred Hughes office

Fred Hughes office

Andy Warhol Factory

34th & Madison

New York, NY

Self Portrait

Andy Warhol Factory

34th & Madison. NY

Andy Warhol Factory - 34th & Madison, NY

Andy Warhol , Keith Haring, Bianca Jagger taping for MTV

Andy Warhol's Fifteen Minutes


Andy Warhol Factory - 34th & Madison, NY

Andy Warhol with assistants assembling self portrait canvas

Andy Warhol Factory

Madison Ave. Lobby

34th & Madison

New York, NY



Andy Warhol's Townhouse East 66th St.

New York, NY

Andy Warhol Townhouse East 66th. St. NY

Andy Warhol's bedroom

Andy Warhol wig

Andy Warhol Townhouse East 66th St.

New York, NY

show thumbnails